Do you start to panic when the school holidays rear their ugly head? Does the thought of looking after a business, a family and getting some me time just seem impossible? Well, I’ve sourced some advice – there is plenty around and the crux of the matter is it can be done.

But preparation is required – remember the 7 P’s?
Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

It isn’t always like that

Now that my children are older – eldest is working or in bed and 13yo is in her room on the computer/ipad/phone or out on a bike ride! – I don’t have such a dilemma but I know a great deal of business owners do and as the rise in self-employment continues these dilemmas will raise their ugly head for many more to come. It’s not just us Mums that this happens, working Dad’s who have days at home do struggle between focus and family too. The temptation to play a little, take time out to converse and generally spend time with the family is great and the effort to keep locked away in the office can be too much.

So, I’ve found some great articles for you which will give you some fabulous things to consider, help and inspire you to get the balance right. We certainly don’t want to miss these young years and opportunities to make memories but the work must get done – by someone in the family!


This is a great article on Simply Business with some top tips on running your business during the school holidays from streamlining your work, childcare tips and keeping it realistic.

The Guardian is always a good source of inspiration, guidance and help and their article talks about balancing, mumpreneur mentor, managing expectations, being a lone parent and effective time management. Some great advise from Nicola Semple here – known as the Mumprenur Mentor who runs the Mums Business Academy too.

Another great article on the Women to Work website which concludes with ‘take a holiday yourself’. Sound advice I’d say.

Another go to place for advice for women in business is Claire Mitchell herself and The Girls Mean Business. Has a child, runs a fabulously successful business and helps us all with marketing and being successful. She has also created a book called SOS Business Mum’s Survival Guide for the School Holidays – less than £12 but I’m sure you’ll find it extremely useful.

So, my words of wisdom reflect the usual things out there; plan, ask for help, set boundaries and have a break too. Have a fabulous holiday. It won’t last for long.

Here is another blog with my personal tips.

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